Thursday, July 20, 2006

Find it!

This is my wordsearch. claire red married diamond roses ring (when you find the words comment on where they are) bbgoohupapbipjibguerclairergvnivhinvgibigbfif qmhmqredhbvvlnkyguoouhfipiqpqwertyuiopas kncvuiciefocdhncsmarriednicnzsrnmljglkmnk lmbodiamondunviiviyxpmmbyvtgstcsetbcflmgc iqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmangscfcavdsbtyc utyvbuninkhjinuinuoonniibuklalagbinounsvniuyt akowugqxoguiqbborosesiunhkoaouegfjjbcgjj ring is diagonal I married a spanish dude named Red. He's tough! You can see my wedding picture above. The theme to my wedding is roses and diamonds. Red is muscular!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found all the words! Thanks for the help with ring:) Glad you are here in Portland!